
  • Resolutions Review #10: Shifting to Gathering Model of Productivity

    December 12, 2017

    It’s the last Groundhog Day Resolutions Review of the year! Time to do a preliminary recap of the year’s progress toward my goals, then I’m taking a break until next year February 2. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • The Search for Job Identity

    December 5, 2017

    At the end of every year, a disorderly pile of unfinished projects stalks me like a flock of perky Christmas carolers. They sing of a bright future, IF I were to only I were to FULLY COMMIT to the Spirit of Doing! And at the end of every year, I find myself IRRITATED, grouchily wondering when I will get my act together and get enough momentum to burst through the nebulous barriers that seem to drag my progress down. Sometimes these barriers are in the form of obligations I’ve made to other people or imagine that I should do to help out. Sometimes they are just the chores that make up the “incessant drip drip drip” of existence, to paraphrase Sherlock Holmes in Elementary. The projects seem to grow in number every year, each one of them with its own recognizeable smiling face, tormenting me.

    I can’t really think why these projects never get done, other than it seems that deep in my heart I don’t really want to do them. This is despite knowing these projects would be wonderful for me, projects like “establish a thriving e-commerce business based on my original design work”, “write a compendium of productivity tips and tools based on the 15 years of work I’ve been writing about them”, “design software that is allows people to express complex interactions in viscerally compelling visual ways”, and so on. I’ve got a lot of idea and a lot of unique skills that give me an advantage in pursuing them. Still, I do not act, instead getting bogged-down by the “drip drip drip” of existence. I’m bored, but don’t want to act. I’m tired, but restless. It hasn’t all been terrible, as I’ve made progress in other areas and have increased my understanding across a variety of fields, but I still feel hapless despite all the freedom and choice I have.

    Am I missing purpose or are otherwise lacking in character or will to become who I want to become? Maybe I need to just get a job. And by that, I mean giving myself one. This post is the first of (probably) several that explores my definition of my “job”. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Resolutions Review #09: Redefining Mission, All Systems Go

    November 16, 2017

    Happy November! I’m many days late with this Groundhog Day Resolutions report because of an extended visit by my dad and sister for November. He’s here until Thanksgiving, which is a wonderful treat, and I’ve been trying to be attentive. However, I have to admit that I’ve not been sure what to report on this month.

    So, I reviewed the recap of the year so far and last October’s review to get a sense of where I was. I think I have made an important clarification about my relationship with people and how that helps me feel fulfilled regarding the important “sense of mission” that I crave. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Delayed Groundhog Day Resolutions Review

    November 11, 2017

    Hey everyone! Just a quick heads-up that my GROUNDHOG DAY RESOLUTION REVIEW has been postponed for a few days because I have family visiting, and I haven’t had the rested half-day I need to pull everything together. Dad is visiting from Taiwan for November and it’s been really great. You can catch-up on my daily doings over in the Virtual Coworking Chat Room, where I check-in daily.

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    DSri Seah
  • NaNoWriMo 2017 Word Counting Calendar Released

    October 21, 2017

    National Novel Writing Month November 2017 Hey Wrimos! I just released the updated 2017 Nanowrimo Calendar. It’s designed to make it easy to add-up your words on a daily basis and pace yourself. New for 2017 are more colors, which are available on my Patreon page!

    Go grab this year’s calendar at, and you’ll also find the link to the color variations if you’d prefer those. Enjoy!

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    DSri Seah