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- May 30, 2006
Menu of the Day, Revisited
May 30, 2006Read moreAfter reading Get Things Done this weekend, I’m very stoked to start systemizing my activities. It’s interesting to compare my old habits to the new, GTD-related ones.
- May 29, 2006
Why Aren’t Video Games Funny?
May 29, 2006Read moreSo asked Stephen Totilo in this article back in 2004. I remember mainstays from the Grand Old Days of the Graphic Adventure game, like my personal favorite The Secret of Monkey Island.
- May 28, 2006
The Effect of Language
May 28, 2006Read moreI sometimes wonder how one’s language effects the way one thinks. This article about German compared to English humor gave me some insight.
- May 28, 2006
Taking A Look at Getting Things Done
May 28, 2006Read moreI have finally read David Allen’s book Getting Things Done…yay! I’m impressed by the simplicity and clarity with which he’s addressed the psychology of being productive in a working system…it’s just awesome!
I have to admit that my reading was motivated not by the desire to be more productive, but to make sure I wasn’t inadvertently retreading the same ideas in The Printable CEO™. While I creep on some of the same ideas that David Allen defined 20 years ago in his corporate training programs, it looks like my emphasis is compatible but different. That’s a huge relief. And since discovering GTD through other blogs referring to my original articles, I’ve been delighted by the tremendous sense of community that’s formed around the very idea of being more productive. That fits very nicely with my own goals of being around empowered, happy people. ROCK ON!
Having now read “The Book”, I can finally make some informed observations about how The Printable CEO™ relates to GTD. But that will come in a later post; first, I’ll summarize my impressions.
- May 24, 2006