
  • Separate but Equal Workspaces

    August 9, 2006

    Yesterday I was having a tough time focusing on work, and I kept peeking in on the blog stats and email. I attributed my state of distraction to some personal things, which seem to have heightened my sensitivity to the cluttered state of my office. After decluttering a small portion of it I decided that it was time to finally do a light reorganization to get me some more deskspace; it’s been on my “Would Be Nice” list for weeks.

    The original plan was simple: shift the table right by 3 feet, then put another small table to my left. This would give me the additional square footage of deskspace I so craved. So the first thing I moved was the laptop computer I use for email, and I had a flash of insight: this laptop was the source of much distraction. I quickly itemized the main distractions I faced during a typical day:

    • The laptop, with its constant stream of email and instant messages.
    • The blog, with all the readership stats that tell me what people are looking at.
    • The Internet, more specifically the handsome collection of entertaining bookmarks I check on a regular basis.

    What I really needed to do, I figured, was to remove these distractions from my main office. With fewer distractions, it might be easier to focus. The laptop is so conveniently located that it practically begs to be used; you’d think after writing about eliminating distractions I would have figured that out by now!


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    DSri Seah
  • Adapting the PCEO for IT Departments, Part II

    August 8, 2006

    The experiment in trans-blog inquiry continues! To recap, Michael and I were chatting about an IT-specific version of the Concrete Goals Tracker. He followed up with his thoughts on this in his August 7 post by answering the three questions I had posed earlier:

    • What is the Goal of Information Technology?
    • To Whom is the Goal of IT Important, Not Counting IT Professionals?
    • What are the tangible signs that tell us that IT is actually fulfilling its goals?

    Read Michael’s response first, then continue on with this post.


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    DSri Seah
  • The Pursuit of Happiness

    August 6, 2006

    Here in the US of A, we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. This is a holiday I usually associate with recreational activities: picnics, barbecues, outdoor recreation, fireworks, parades and lots of 50%-off sales. It’s a pretty mellow day.

    The morning after, I was watching the news program CBS Sunday Morning, which ran a segment they called The Pursuit of Happiness. I realized then that there have been several threads of personal inquiry converging with respect to that pursuit: Happiness, Independence, and Community. Perhaps I’ve found my direction.


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    DSri Seah
  • What Does a CEO Do?

    August 4, 2006

    Every once in a while I come across something that sounds very real to me; Jeff Nolan’s description of the 4 main jobs of a CEO has just that ring of authenticity. From his July 31st post, the jobs are as follows:

    1. Plan. A CEO above all else must be able to think in the future about what investments are appropriate for the company, strategic directions to be embraced or abandoned, and ultimately, forecast future performance accurately and consistently.
    2. Control. A plan without the ability to execute on it is academic at best. If the CEO has a primary job it is clearly to deliver on forecasts and projections.

    3. Develop people. A CEO is also the chief human resources officer, it is his/her responsibility to create the conditions upon which all employees of the company feel rewarded appropriately, confident in the future of their company, have just just the ability but also the opportunity to grow professionally, and perhaps most importantly, apply accountability to management itself.

    4. Develop culture. Closely aligned to #3 is the notion of company culture, which is ultimately a reflection of the values that the company holds itself to and reinforces in every employee of the company, from the CEO down to the lowest level.


    p>When I encounter statements of such clarity, I feel compelled to test my own assumptions against them. When I first created The Printable CEO, the idea was to create a kind of accessible “grassroots CEO mentality” from the bottom up, providing a clear menu of “rewardable accomplishments” through the weighted point list. One of my favorite aspects of the system is the bubble chart; it serves well both as a focusing point AND as a cumulative reporting mechanism, without requiring tedious double-entry of data (the kill-joy of many an administrative system). I think that these two elements support Nolan’s points 1 and 2, however a missing supplementary piece is the how to generate a weighted list of goals process; this is similar to Nolan’s “planning” job, with an emphasis on reducing the plan to something that can be communicated with ease.

    I haven’t really addressed Job #3 and #4 yet, which is about building a community of shared values. As individuals, I happen to believe that we should be responsible for developing the people and culture around us. In the best case, I think this means you’re supporting the people around you, they’re supporting you, and you’re living and breathing what you believe is important. Taking this a step further means actively cultivating an organization to perform well with respect to a specific agenda; that’s a novel idea for me, that I can have an agenda and feel OK about convincing other people that it’s worth following.

    Nolan’s post comes at a serendipitous time for me, as I’m reviewing the collection of Printable CEO tools and am considering how to refactor them into something a little clearer and more universal. More later!

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    DSri Seah
  • Minor Update to Emergent Task Timer Online

    August 3, 2006

    Quick note on the Emergent Task Timer Online: I have updated the data saving to be hopefully more robust. If you were experiencing data loss, hopefully that problem is gone. If you ARE losing data, please report this to me. Unless you like losing data. In particular, text changes to the descriptions should now be automatically saved after you pause typing for about a second.

    If you want to watch the saving queue to see when it’s updating, get into the console and type dbg tracesave and you’ll be able to see when and what is being saved at any given time.

    The current version is 06-0803X; if you don’t see this, then try force-refreshing your browser.


    Someone asked for a stand-alone projector version; they are now available on the ETT Alpha page. Note that they use different cookies than the online version, and I think the cookie is also dependent on the filename of the projector file. This will go away once I get some time to implement saving to a central server. If anyone has some tips on the best way to implement a user administration system in PHP4, I could use them :-)

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    DSri Seah