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- October 20, 2006
Moving WordPress Part I
October 20, 2006Read moreFirst Post, The Second Time Around
Ok, I’m about to embark on my server moving adventure! I’m moving my entire davidseah.com domain from pair.com to futurequest.net, and I may do it yet again with MediaTemple in a few weeks to try them out. Here’s my live move notes, which should come in handy later.
- October 19, 2006
Down for the Weekend
October 19, 2006Read moreI’m going to be moving davidseah.com to a new server starting Friday (October 20). I’m currently using Pair Networks, which has been great. I’m moving to FutureQuest, which has as gold-plated a reputation as Pair. The reason I’m moving is primarily because I’m starting to exceed the “maximum transactions per minute” limit allowed by Pair’s database servers during peak times. I’m also curious about FutureQuest, which I’ve heard good things about, and how the heck one moves a WordPress blog in the first place.
My checklist looks like this:
- Recreate mailboxes and forwarding aliases on the new server.
- Copy files over to new server via server-to-server FTP
- Update dependent services (Basecamp’s FTP settings).
- Lock comments on the old server blog
- Clone the WordPress database (which I’ve already tested last month)
- Switch over the DNS name servers from Pair to FutureQuest, and wait for the new DNS information to propagate over the weekend.
- Cross my fingers
My email will also be up and down as the nameservers sort themselves out on Saturday and Sunday.
Hm, that MediaTemple Grid-Server package is looking kinda tasty too.
- October 18, 2006
Dad The Blogger
October 18, 2006Read moreDad’s posted several interesting new blog posts over on englam.net! Until fairly recently, I’ve thought of Dad as, well, Dad instead of the unique and interesting person he is; I’m really excited to read some of his thoughts on his blog. I particularly liked his post about his father on Chinese Father’s Day; I never got the opportunity to meet him, as he had passed when my Dad was still a teenager, but I got a sense of what he must have been like, through the eyes of my father as a boy.
- October 18, 2006
Productivity Systems Redux
October 18, 2006Read moreI was browsing my trackbacks and came across Brian Breslin’s post on Getting Things Done, where I found this astonishing offhand distillation of the essence of a productivity system:
[…] its amazing how much stuff you can get done if you just have it written down in front of you.
Wow! That’s totally it!
It’s such a fundamental insight that I think we sometimes lose sight of it. We’re so distracted by all these methodologies and gadgets that purport to focus us—you know, Web Apps 2.0, PDAs, fancy (ahem) printed forms, books, and podcasts, etc., that we forget that what really matters isn’t doing things “the right way” or “the most optimal way”, but just doing them at all. So let me say right now:
- There is no optimal way to do things, as far as you’re concerned, when you’re doing it for the first time.
- There is no right way of doing things, when it comes down to getting something done for the first time.
Yes, this flies in the face of what your bosses, managers, professors, friends, and parents say. But you know what? They have no idea what you’re facing, and they probably don’t really know how you think and work in the first place. After you do something for the first time, though, you’ll have a better idea of optimization and correct procedure. But I digress. Brian’s insight that just having stuff written down in front of you is all you need is incredibly powerful. This has lead to a few insights of my own. (more…)
- October 18, 2006
Comment Spam Countermeasures
October 18, 2006Read moreI’ve been noticing an increase in comment spam yet again. While Bad Behavior and Akismet are doing a good job of keeping the comment spam out of the blog, I’m also starting to hit some server performance issues. I’m not quite ready to move yet, so I thought I’d try an easy trick to see if I could alleviate server load due to heavy spamming activity.
Geeky notes follow.