
  • Liveblogging The Productivity Doldrums, Part III: Doomed

    August 18, 2009

    Summary: After the relative success of Day 1 and Day 2, I was looking forward to a Day 3 filled with productive movement toward my personal business goals of designing a new website and getting it installed on the server. What happened instead was that I got distracted by multiple social interactions, and lost my momentum at several points, and ended up having a completely non-productive Wednesday. And I don’t feel good about it.


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    DSri Seah
  • Liveblogging The Productivity Doldrums, Part II

    August 17, 2009

    SUMMARY: Continuing yesterday’s post, I note what I’m getting done where and when. I’m paying particular notice to what seems to trigger energy levels, unplanned naps, and moments of sheer laziness. I’m also noticing some patterns to the routine; instead of a consistent productive push, I appear to be using an “ebb and flow” style approach to energy management. Having identified tasks yesterday that either drain or replenish my mental energy, I’m starting to be able to pick next actions that are appropriate for my mental state.


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    DSri Seah
  • Liveblogging The Productivity Doldrums, Part I

    August 17, 2009

    SUMMARY: I was feeling very unmotivated this morning, but couldn’t quite figure out why. I decided to write out what I was feeling and thinking to see if I could self-diagnose the issue while getting a free blog post out of it :-) The end of the post shifts more toward the organizing principles behind various types of tasks, and the realization that if I know how all these pieces fit together I will be a better self-manager. It means understanding my own energy management, mental state, and how each task affects the system. I’ll be posting followup parts today and probably tomorrow.


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    DSri Seah
  • Further Adventures in Dave’s Work Life Balance

    August 16, 2009

    SUMMARY: The recent insights I’ve had regarding the productive mindset have resulted in a set of procedures that are helping me manage my behaviors for what feels like improved productivity. For example, when I wake up I have a series of steps I follow to ensure I get out of the house quickly so I plan the day first thing in the morning. I also have been allowing myself to be a more selfish creative for part of the day, because I need to run interference against my own customer relationship standards. I’m not presenting a complete solution by any means, but my ongoing experiences may be interesting to those of you working out your own personal productivity rituals.


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    DSri Seah
  • Groundhog Day Resolution Review 8/8/2009: Being versus Doing

    August 8, 2009

    SUMMARY: It’s the 7th review day for my New Year’s Resolution system, which starts on Groundhog Day instead of January 1st. The salient observation this month is that there’s a difference between “just doing” and “just being”. By just being, I’ve attained a level of self-comfort that is helping me find my groove.


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    DSri Seah