GTD Intermission
Yesterday I spent most of my day working on billable projects and new business development, so I haven’t even...
GTD Sorting Pass 1
It’s the second day (or rather, half-day) of trying out GTD. I went through the big pile of “stuff”...
GTD Collecting Weekend
I’m taking my first stab at GTD this weekend, moving vast piles of junk onto my in-basket and surrounds!...
I am constantly wondering what the heck it is I’m doing. I try new variations on my “career path”,...
Menu of the Day, Revisited
After reading Get Things Done this weekend, I’m very stoked to start systemizing my activities. It’s interesting to compare...
Taking A Look at Getting Things Done
I have finally read David Allen’s book Getting Things Done…yay! I’m impressed by the simplicity and clarity with which...
Adult-Onset Productivity Responsibility Syndrome
I have not been feeling productive for the past few weeks, which is strange because actually it has been...
Rick’s Pure CSS Task Order Up! Markup
Rick Benavidez sent me a link to a pure CSS markup version of the Task Order Up that he...
Intermittent Task Tracking
I’ve been using the various Task Order Up! variations for the past week, and in general I like the...
More Sweet Organizational Pictures
Over on paperbits, another sighting of the Task Order Up! Check out his awesome getting things done with index...