Emergent Task Timer mentioned on “The Productivity Show”
The Productivity Show, a podcast out of Australia that, mentions The Emergent Task Timer about 25 minutes in. Many,...
Reader Question: Adapting The Printable CEO for Musicians
Reader Rick Fenster, a musician, sent me the following question via email with regards to how The Printable CEO...
Three Mindsets for Making Things
I have tended to judge myself by what I know how to make. When I had my first stint...
“Linux Version” of Emergent Task Timer Online
I had a request last night to modify my Flash Player detection code so it would work on Linux...
Some Quick Emergent Task Tracker Updates
I’ve added a few interim debug console commands for the Emergent Task Tracker Online prototype. You will need to...
Reader Question: Moleskines and Weekly Goals
Trying something new here: reposting a reader’s comment as a question that I thought would be interesting to discuss....
GTD Retrospective: What’s Going Wrong, What Might Work
It’s time to see at how Getting Things Done is working for me! I can confidently report that my...
Printable Tanabata Star Festival Streamers
I was reading about Tanabata, the Japanese Star Festival, for the first time a couple nights ago. Tanabata has...
My Two Week Rule
I’ve been chatting with a long-time friend about exercising and other life goals we’re working toward. She and I...
The Worthlessness of Ideas
Commenter Ben Yoskovitz challenges the idea that ideas are worthless, a view I have stated one-sidedly in a recent...