All Productivity Posts

  • Revamped Concrete Goals Tracker Progress

    It’s amazing what a difference a day makes. After yesterday’s crawl through long-standing pools of my own procrastination juices...

    DSri Seah
  • The Mountain Strikes Back

    SUMMARY: I’ve been feeling like I’ve had some setbacks recently, and this has made me question my working methods...

    DSri Seah
  • Dave Versus The Mountain, Part 2

    SUMMARY: After spending two days rationalizing myself into action, I get broadsided by a bunch of work-related phone calls...

    DSri Seah
  • Dave Versus The Mountain

    SUMMARY: After writing yesterday’s post, I push into “the mountain” of resistance. It’s taking longer than I thought, but...

    DSri Seah
  • A Menagerie of Resistance Monsters

    SUMMARY: I’m getting a jump on next week’s task of adapting prior design work into some digital download form,...

    DSri Seah
  • Climbing the Hierarchy of Inspiration

    SUMMARY: After Tuesday’s surprisingly-popular post on Type 2 Procrastination, I wanted to further define the difficulty of switching from...

    DSri Seah
  • Bubbling Through

    SUMMARY: Using “bubble charts” for quick visualization of immediate goals.

    DSri Seah
  • My Type 2 Procrastination

    SUMMARY: I’ve been feeling restless about my progress, and have again been wondering why I haven’t been as motivated...

    DSri Seah
  • Groundhog Day Resolution Review 5/5/2010

    SUMMARY: In last month’s review, I set forward a master resolution: make a good living working with people I...

    DSri Seah
  • Proverbs

    SUMMARY: A chance encounter with an acquaintance resets Dave’s understanding of Excellence and Productivity.

    DSri Seah