Insights from a Failed Sugar Coma
For the past few weeks I’ve been monitoring my energy levels. The goal: to correlate (or not) my most...
Carbohydrates and the Brain
On the way home from Boston today, I took a different route home and stumbled upon an ice cream...
2011 Academic School Year Calendar
Recently a reader commented that making a version of the compact calendar for the academic year would be quite...
2011 Resource/Time Tracker Updates
The Resource/Time Trackers, AKA Resource Scheduler and Task Quantizer, are designed to track multiple projects using a clipboard. After...
International Date Fixes for Manual Gantt Chart Spreadsheet
Some time ago, I got a mysterious bug report from Mehmet, a management consultant in Turkey, about the Gantt...
Google Doc version of Compact Calendar
Tehn Yit Chin has ported some of the Compact Calendar functionality (about 20%, he estimates) to Google Docs. Help...
Dave’s Daily Work Process V2
This past week I’ve been tinkering with “ideally apportioning” my day into the following six main activity types: 4...
Tom’s Moleskine / Emergent Task Planner Mashup
Tom Atwood, who had purchased the 7-task version of the half-size ETP form a few months ago, bound and...
Leveling the Morning Productivity Hump
SUMMARY: Working through today’s morning hump by writing about the experience. Covers my morning routine, planning tools I’m using,...
Type-B Productivity
SUMMARY: I’m coming to an end of a down cycle, and have come to the conclusion that that cleverness...