Revision 3 and 3a of ETT 2013
I received a comment about the vertical orange bubble columns, which I use to visually split the day into...
Revision 2 of ETT 2013 Available
Reader Nancy solved a problem with the hour columns in the revised for 2013 Emergent Task Timer. The hours...
The Emergent Task Timer: Revised for 2013
I’ve been tracking my time to see if my “feeling unproductive” was supported by data; as I wrote in...
Time Analysis Week
I’ve been using the Emergent Task Timer this week to see if I am really as unproductive as I...
Productivity Reboot: Prepping for Phase 2
Yesterday I outlined the observations I’d made over two weeks of a productivity reboot. The nebulous goal: merely to...
Two-Week Followup: Productivity Reboot Notes
On May 13th I optimistically started a “productivity reboot”, choosing a two-week period to try out a simplified daily...
Productivity Reboot Week 2: Reviewing Options and Direction
It’s Week 2 of my two-week diagonostic productivity reboot. To recap, I started this because I’ve been coming off...
The Procrastination-Energy-Time Continuum
Here’s a rambling story about my Sunday that culminates in mysterious diagram I’ll call Productivity Time and Space. It...
A Day Grid Balancer Customization by Frank Magnotti
Back in 2009 I was preoccupied with “life balance”, and tried to visualize the hours as a kind of...
Laying Down Process 2: Environmental Cues
Yesterday I did massive braindumps to get myself oriented. In hindsight, I am looking for a simple algorithm to...