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Notebook Update: Getting Ready to Ship
April 10, 2013Read moreI got an email from my printer Papergraphics, letting me know that the notebooks have come back from the...
GHDR Review 2: New Website, Increasing Opportunity
April 4, 2013Read moreHello resolution makers! Today, April 4, is the second review day of Groundhog Day Resolutions 2013. This past month...
Stage 1 Blog Update: Complete
April 3, 2013Read moreI just implemented the new graphical headers. Some links aren’t working quite right yet (notably the “latest blog posts”...
The Process of Redesigning My Own Website: Update
March 30, 2013Read moreI haven’t been posting updates to this month’s March Marketing Challenge because I felt it would be boring to...
C2-16-21 The Week of Pushing Through
March 30, 2013Read moreAfter the seeming lack-of-progress of last week, I re-assessed my approach: was I trying to do too much by...
C2-11-15 The Week of Being Stuck
March 22, 2013Read moreThis whole week has felt like a struggle that I’ve lost. I say that not from a place of...
Production Prototypes: Emergent Task Planner Mini Notebook Coming Soon
March 18, 2013Read moreI picked up the production prototypes of the Mini-ETP Notebook this morning, which you might remember from Day 27...
C2-10-11 A Temporary Change in Course
March 18, 2013Read moreIt’s been two weeks (not including weekends) since I started this push to “fix the marketing” on my website...
Website Progress, Slow Cooking, and Star Wars: The Old Republic
March 14, 2013Read moreThis month has been quite a change from the excitement of the Product A Day Challenge, which I found...
C2-07-09 From Abstract to Visual, Step 2
March 14, 2013Read moreFor the past three days I’ve been slugging-it-out with the tag cloud and the first pass layout, trying to...