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Game Industry Quickies
March 24, 2005Read more:http://www.audiogang.org/storyviewer.do?id=public&story=2942 This morning’s Gamasutra Newsletter had a couple interesting tidbits: The Game Audio Network Guild is a non-profit organization...
Speaking of Authentic Chinese Restaurants…
March 24, 2005Read moreI happened upon this list of authentic Chinese restaurants at areyoueye.com. Unfortunately, I can’t read it to tell what...
Chinese Food Excursion, Part I
March 23, 2005Read moreDaveE writes: Have you ever thought of assembling a group for a road trip & guided tour of various...
Scintus Images Gallery Event
March 22, 2005Read morePart 1 One cool thing about being freelance is that you get to pick projects that you want to...
“Insurgent Country”
March 21, 2005Read moreMy cousin was telling me that he was getting into, of all things, country music! No, it’s OK…specifically he’s...
Ball in the House @ Ryle’s
March 21, 2005Read moreI joined a group of friends at Ryle’s in Cambridge to see Ball in the House last night. They’re...
Interaction Design Book List
March 20, 2005Read moreThere was some recent discussion on the Interaction Design (IxD) mailing regarding good books for the budding young IxD...
The Cult of Mac
March 18, 2005Read moreI was at Barnes and Noble today, and flipped through The Cult of Mac. It’s part coffee-table book, part...
The Bunk Stops Here!
March 18, 2005Read moreI’m a fan of Penn & Teller’s magic shtick. They’re subversive con artists, but they’re honest about what they’re...