A4 Version of Fast Book Outliner

A4 Version of Fast Book Outliner

I’ve added A4-formatted versions to the Fast Book Outliner page.

Chrome web browser users: I have noticed that Chrome’s built-in PDF viewer does not draw the dotted lines correctly. If you download the PDF files and view them in Acrobat Reader, the lines appear correctly.


  1. SGB 14 years ago

    I’ve found that Chrome is actually useless for printing anything. For example, PayPal, I have to open in Explorer in order to print. For some reason, Chrome can’t print the whole page – have tried with different printers on different computers and have the same issue. It didn’t used to be like this.

    Have been using the fast book outliner on a 400 page book I’ve been trying to read for 2 years (I fall asleep reading), and it’s very helpful for me. Thanks!

  2. Tom 14 years ago

    Excellent tool! I have tried it with some books I am reading for online courses and it has been very helpful.