2011 Academic School Year Calendar

2011 Academic School Year Calendar

Academic Year Recently a reader commented that making a version of the compact calendar for the academic year would be quite handy. While it’s possible to modify the existing calendar, I recognized the value of having a ready-to-go version for harried teachers. The new Excel and PDF versions are designed for the United States academic year, which starts roughly around Labor Day. As a bonus, I’ve added a few new features.

What’s New?

Requires Excel 2007 or higher – I’ve upped the requirement from Excel 1997 (over 14 years old) to Excel 2007. This allows me to use a nicer version of the shading in the corners, and I can start using some decent-looking color schemes. The Excel 1997 colors are really ugly.

Arbitrary Starting Day – I’ve updated all the formulas to accept any starting date instead of assuming that the calendar starts on January 1. Note that the calendar will always shows the week before the actual starting day, just to be on the safe side.

New Month Separators – Earlier this year, Daniel Kinal of Melbourne, Australia sent me a modification of the Compact Calendar that had a nice way of doing month separation lines. I hadn’t realized that the formula for this would be quite so elegant…score!!!

Improved PDF Design – I tweaked the raw Excel output to use the official Dave Seah font, Proxima Nova Condensed, and manually-added the key holiday names. I really like the way it looks.

Academic Year PDF

Download Academic School Year Calendar

Go grab it from the new Academic Compact Calendar Page, in the Productivity Tools section of the site.



  1. William Kwan 14 years ago

    Thanks! Just what I was looking for!

  2. Anne O, Philadelphia 14 years ago

    Dave, so awesome to have this workable calendar for my medical residency program. It’s so useful to see the whole year, and very easy to plan for recurring events, like student block orientation days, and for upcoming major events like the resident graduation dinner. Your blog and musings are always an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Charlene 14 years ago

    Love this ;-) Going to share with my students!