Juxtaviews Interview

Juxtaviews Interview

I was recently interviewed by Juxataviews, a website that collects the musings of the people that are making the web using a conversational question & answer format. If I had to pigeonhole the site, I’d say it’s like the “softer side of Techcrunch” in that they talk to the person behind the technology.

Here’s what they asked:

  • Name, age, favorite artist, and when you sleep at night you dream about?
  • First, congratulations on reaching your 1000 published post milestone. So, what is it about blogging that excites you and keep you motivated to publish quality content on a frequent basis?
  • Describe what David Seah does for a living and what you write about on your blog.
  • What makes being being organized and managing one’s time difficult?
  • What’s the first step in getting organized and becoming more efficient at the work place?
  • What brought you into the discipline of time management?
  • Your time management solutions are very unique. For the most part it seems that you’re creating these designs and then publishing them on your blog for the public to digest and provide feedback. How has this publish/feedback process been for you and do you feel you are now evolving into a structure for your time management solutions that take into account the mass audience vs simply your own needs?
  • Frequently you create well designed paper diagrams that provide organizational solutions. Personally I find paper ends up creating more clutter and disorganization (although some people disagree). Some users of your designs have gone and emulated your designs and concepts by creating web solutions vs your paper solutions. Now you’re working on the alpha of Emergent Time Tracker which is a web version of your Emergent Task Timer. Is the web going to become your medium of choice moving forward? What is the benefit of each (paper vs web)?
  • I believe a few of your solutions could become corporate tools – services you charge for. Is there any plan to begin developing a suite of time management and tracking solutions?
  • With my laptop, my computer, my blackberry, meetings, deadlines, travel, conference calls, radio, mp3 player, etc I feel like I’m going 100mph all day everyday. Technology is supposed to help us, but in fact it has made us (well, me maybe) busier, or maybe I should say opened the door to more distractions. Are these technologies benefiting us in the workplace or distracting us?
  • Its amazing how important I find the 15 minute timer noise alarm on Emergent Time Tracker. It really makes you focus on getting your work done. I feel like Pavlov’s Dog ;) Beyond these well designed paper/websites solutions do we also need these types of visual and audio reminders to help us along on our tasks?
  • You have some very loyal readers. In fact, the majority of the comments per post on your site are constructive, well thought, and overall good reads in of themselves. How do you retain these types of readers and motivate them to continue your post conversation by adding interesting comments on their own?
  • What new designs/solutions are you currently working on and when can we expect the version 1.0 release of your Emergent Time Tracker web app?
  • What websites must you visit ever day?
  • Last great book you read? Any suggested reading for those looking to get organized?
  • What part of your life (work/personal) are you least organized in?

You’ll find my rambling replies to these questions over on their site. Enjoy!


  1. Travis Vocino 17 years ago

    Great interview David, congratulations!


  2. kevin 17 years ago


    It was a pleasure to feature you on Juxtaviews.com – please keep in touch, and keep up the great work.

  3. Senia 17 years ago

    Great interview.  You gave a great summary of why you do what you do here at davidseah.com.

    The questions were also thoughtful and great.  (Dave, this was kind of a neat post in that you tantalized by telling us the q’s, and then we went to the source for the a’s!)  I really like it when the interviewer digs deeper into the subject.  The best interviewer I’ve ever heard is James Lipton of the New School on the program “Inside the Actor’s Studio.”

  4. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Thanks Travis, Kevin, Senia! :-)

    I don’t think I’ve seen Inside the Actor’s Studio…will have to check that out!