GTD Collecting Weekend

GTD Collecting Weekend

In PileI’m taking my first stab at GTD this weekend, moving vast piles of junk onto my in-basket and surrounds! It’s not as big a pile as I thought, though there are things around the office that are getting added as “action sheets” to the in-basket.

PileHere’s what my main workspace looks like at the moment just before I started moving piles.


I’m off to the 24-hour Super Walmart to get a bunch of file folders and some cheap copy paper, and then I’ll be set for the next phase: Processing. Looking forward to it!

I also set up my ancient Brother PT-1500PC label printer. I’ve had it for years, and I’m pleased that David Allen advocates the use of one. Whee!


  1. Bradleyscott 19 years ago

    Good luck.  Starting out is the hard part… once you have it going it gets easier… but as always, keeping up with it is the next hardest step… so Always keep your eye on the prize and make sure you continue to take the few minutes each day to stay on top of it.


  2. Emily 19 years ago

    Hmm, I see a big pile of Kat in one of those photos. :)

  3. Dave Seah 19 years ago

    Bradley: Thanks dude!

    Emily: Actually, that’s Kate!

  4. keeran 19 years ago

    the fun part! :)

    Hardest thing I’m finding with GTD at the moment is keeping my head in GTD mode…with non-GTD colleagues and already-made client commitments I find I’m being pulled into the ‘old’ way of working on a daily basis. I’ve posted about my issues on my GTD blog, but the more I battle with two ways of working on a daily basis, the more I think I need to step back from ‘work’ for a week or so just to start fresh with a clean slate.

    Good luck Dave :O)

  5. Josh DiMauro 19 years ago

    Woot! :)

    Don’t process the cat. They don’t like it.

  6. Dave Seah 19 years ago

    Keeran: Cool, I’ll check out your blog for your experiences! I’m finding myself in between methodologies also, but I’m not worried about it at the moment, probably because I haven’t gone through the whole thing yet :-) The basic principles I’m thinking of that I think will stick is the ruthless processing of inbox, and having a place for everything to go.

  7. Dave Seah 19 years ago

    Josh: I put them in “Pending”, which at least gets them out of the in-box. They keep jumping back “in” though.

  8. Emily 19 years ago

    Whoops, of course that’s Kate. I also realize now that what I thought was cat body was actually the sofa cushion. :) I was wondering why she seemed so large! :D

  9. Dean Johnson 19 years ago

    Don’t process Kate because it takes a lot of label printer tape and it doesn’t stick very well. Any label you use will likely require replacement on a regular basis.

  10. Abner's Momma 17 years ago

    We (Abner the grey tabby who’s on my lap and I) just wanted to say what a pretty cat that is. I’m enjoying reading your productivity posts and have been utilizing the Emergent Task Planner since Tuesday.