June 10, 2016
Virtual Coworking Updates
June 10, 2016I’ve just created a Virtual Coworking with Dave information page to describe the various ways that one can participate...
January 18, 2016
Clutter-Busting Week Reviewed!
January 18, 2016The first week has passed, and while I didn’t spend every day actively decluttering, it went pretty well! I...
January 11, 2016
Clutter-Busting Week!
January 11, 2016I’ve been feeling the weight of clutter lurking in my basement, which has been packed full of boxes since...
May 9, 2013
Sqwiggle: Always-On Remote Workplace
May 9, 2013Sqwiggle appears to be a way of managing a virtual workplace through real-time, always-on video conferencing. This might not...