July 26, 2016
Musings: The Pursuit of Art versus Goals
July 26, 2016Although the plan is to shut down the blog as it currently exists, I think I will try an...
December 11, 2013
Day 25: Game Over
December 11, 2013My partipation in The Minimalist’s Game ended the Monday before Thanksgiving, as I became preoccupied with preparing the house...
November 23, 2013
Day 23-24: Guest Bedroom Junk
November 23, 2013As luck would have it, there was a box filled with over 50 pens, broken electronics, makeup, and other...
November 22, 2013
Day 22: Bathroom Junk
November 22, 2013It’s getting tough to come up with items, but I was able to sweep the bathroom for empty bottles...
November 21, 2013
Day 21: Socks Part II
November 21, 2013For today’s The Minimalist’s Game entry, 21 white pairs of socks that I am putting into the clothing recycling...
November 19, 2013
Day 19-20: 74 Plastic Bags and 1 Paper Bag
November 19, 2013This might be stretching the spirit of The Minimalist’s Game, but I’m going to use one gathering to cover...