June 11, 2012
Shifting Direction Yet Again
June 11, 2012I’ve been making a go of the “functional stationery designer” identity for a few months now, and in general...
April 22, 2012
Facing the Blankness
April 22, 2012SUMMARY: I’ve decided to be a stationery designer…yay! But I’m finding it tough to put it into action, despite...
March 18, 2012
Optimize Later
March 18, 2012A while ago I wrote about “judging not” as a way of not getting stuck in a cycle of...
March 13, 2012
Happy Bubble Time
March 13, 2012Here’s a concept I’ve been mulling over: Happy Bubble Time. A couple weeks ago I tried to name the...
February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012Today’s thought nugget comes from WIRED contributor Dave Mosher and his article Easily Pronounced Names May Make People More...
February 23, 2012
The Possible Productivity Perils of Living Single
February 23, 2012My sister forwarded me this New York Times article: The Freedom, and Perils, of Living Alone. I’m guessing she...