
  • SXSW Day 4: So Long, Fare Well!

    March 14, 2006

    And as quickly as it began, SXSWI2006 is over. I’m sitting in my hotel room sorting out the events...

    DSri Seah
  • SXSW Day 3: People Rock

    March 14, 2006

    I am so tired! I hung out with JWynia at the hotel waiting for my ride, and ended up...

    DSri Seah
  • SXSW Day 2: Going with the Flow

    March 12, 2006

    Day 2 was a little different for me, because I had Day 1 to judge it by. I got...

    DSri Seah
  • SXSW Day 1: Panel Impressions

    March 11, 2006

    Notes from the panels I attended Saturday. In general, I went to the non-technical panels that covered blogging issues.

    DSri Seah
  • SXSW Day 1: The Networking Game, Part I

    March 11, 2006

    Lessons learned at Day 1 of SXSW: It’s a lot easier to talk to people than I thought. Although...

    DSri Seah
  • Suiting up for SXSW Day 1

    March 11, 2006

    Getting ready to head out for the first day of SXSW Interactive! I’m not sure what to expect, but...

    DSri Seah