
  • Oops: Akismet and Comments

    August 16, 2006

    I just realized that Akismet, the popular spam comment filter, has been eating a lot of valid comments here…my apologies if you left a comment and it didn’t post. I’m monitoring Akismet much more closely now. Here’s where Spam Karma 2 seems to have an edge.

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    DSri Seah
  • On Being The Mayor

    August 15, 2006

    A few weeks ago, I happened to be walking on the beach with my friends Sally and Steve. There was a a sandcastle building contest going on, and though we weren’t competing, we had some friends who were; a little “advance scouting” would have strategic value. Plus, it beat doing the digging ourselves :-)

    Sally took point and led us around the beach with a warm smile. “Hey, what are you building?” she’d ask with a friendly and welcoming tone. To my great surprise, everyone responded in kind, after just the briefest of pauses, detailing what they were up to. “That’s great!” Sally would beam, adding personalized commentary like “That’s the best mermaid we’ve seen! Awesome!” or “Wow, that’s really original and great! Good luck!”

    It had never occured to me that I could just walk up to someone and ask them what they were doing, without having some “reason” to do so. It was all in the way you did it, apparently. I commented on this by exclaiming, “Sally, it’s like you’re the MAYOR OF THE BEACH!”

    It hit me then that being the mayor was a powerful mindset worth cultivating.


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    DSri Seah
  • What Do Idea People Do?

    August 15, 2006

    We had an interesting lunch in Portsmouth: me, Mark Reeves and Jeff Leombruno discussing the nature of professional organizations. We were wondering what it would take to get some kind of professional organization of developers and designers going in the Portsmouth / New Hampshire area…just idle talk right now, since none of us really know what’s already here already. We also chatted about what we’d expect from such an organization, and how not to let it get stale (anything but that, please). It would be nice to have a core group of people who were interested in sharing process and information on a regular basis, though this runs somewhat counter to the usual motivation of “meet and drink beer”. So clearly there are some kinks to work out of the idea :-)

    Bring On the Clowns

    An interesting tangential conversation we had, which Mark succinctly summarizes, is the offering of value through ideas and inspiration. It’s great stuff, but how do you convince people it’s worth paying for? A big part of web development often ends up being about strategy and business, and we end up giving that away for free because people like to pay for what they can see and touch.

    It occurs to me that the way out of this is not to sell ideas, but to sell performance. Yeah, like a clown! Don’t laugh…people understand the value of a clown far more easily than they do YOUR job.

    To understand the value of a real information architect / idea person, you might have to sell this as a performance. If a clown delivers laughs, then an IA guy must deliver insights and inspiration. Understanding THAT, I think, is the key to packaging ideation services.

    That suggests it’s time to get on the Podcast bandwagon and start thinking in terms of performance by proxy. The written word is fine, as are diagrams and other supporting media, but surprisingly it’s NOT the main deliverable for an idea guy or gal. Interesting, yes?

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    DSri Seah
  • 9rules Interview w/ Dave Seah

    August 15, 2006

    The ever-delightful Lindsay has been interviewing 9rules members like Shawn Grimes and Bryan Veloso, and now it’s my turn!

    Lindsay did a great job of digging through my archives to ask some equally great questions…thanks Lindsay! She also commented that so far, I’ve been the most long-winded. What, me? I’m SHOCKED! :-)

    » Read the 9rules Interview

    This one came out a little different than the last two with mcville and JWynia; one of these days I’ll have to read/listen them all together and figure out if there are any deep-seated patterns in myself that have so far escaped detection.

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    DSri Seah
  • ……..  ……..  ……..  ………. . . .. . . . .  . . .

    August 14, 2006

    If you were hacking Apple IIs in the 70s and 80s, you might recognize this bit stream; each period is a bit that’s “on”. Currently, I use the pattern as the dividing line for my email .sig. If you actually know what it is, I will be very curious to know what you’re doing for work these days, just because the mindset that goes with this type of hacking is kind of unusual these days.

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    DSri Seah