New ETP Translations for Review
I’m trying to power through some dormant projects today. First up: Translations of the ETP. One of the difficult...
Three Useful Magicks for Everyday Living
Today I managed to wake up at 6AM, get out of the house, and immediately launch into project work...
Rebuilding Big Pictures
Lately I’ve been feeling that there too many things going on that I’m not tracking. I’d hoped to have...
Collecting Effort like Rainwater
SUMMARY: Although I didn’t know it when I started, the addition of sub-blogs to collect my thoughts into topical...
Compact Calendar Gadget for Windows 7 by Bob Webb
I received an unexpected delight in my email this afternoon from reader Bob Webb, who’s created a Windows 7...
Help Me Pick Some Products, Please!
Got a quick question for anyone who’s reading regarding print on demand: Which PCEO forms would you like to...
A4 Version of Fast Book Outliner
I’ve added A4-formatted versions to the Fast Book Outliner page. Chrome web browser users: I have noticed that Chrome’s...
30 Seconds to Anything
Editor’s note: In honor of TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY, today’s post has been pirate-speaked! One o’ me productivity-killin’...
Outlining Books Faster
There are a LOT of books I have been meaning to review or otherwise deconstruct into happy nuggets of...
A First-Pass “Attitude Guide”
After having the insight that it was my attitude that was playing a major role in my levels of...