Laying Down Process: First Pass
A first look at new process: creating an optimum list of tasks. But what does “optimum” mean?
Kicking off a New Personal Approach to Productivity
I’m facing, for the first time in many months, the need to be entirely self-directed AND self-contained at the...
Emergent Task Planner Mini-Notebook is on Amazon!
They’re here! Head over to and grab them. I’m working on getting international shipping working next; if you...
The Process of Redesigning My Own Website: Update
I haven’t been posting updates to this month’s March Marketing Challenge because I felt it would be boring to...
Production Prototypes: Emergent Task Planner Mini Notebook Coming Soon
I picked up the production prototypes of the Mini-ETP Notebook this morning, which you might remember from Day 27...
Moved: Marketing Challenge Posts now on Agenceum Blog
I’ve decided to move the marketing-related challenge posts, in which I’m spending 15 minutes in the morning thinking about...
C2-01: Communications 101 Marketing Kickoff
I’ve decided to move this content and related posts to my Agenceum Blog. It’s more suited for this kind...
New Daily Challenge: Cracking the Mysteries of Marketing
After having accumulated 30 days worth of new products, I’m now painfully aware of just how difficult it is...
New Product Every Day Challenge is Complete
I have completed 30 days of making something new for download or sale on March 2nd. Next: Writing up...
Day 30: Index Card Docks, Batch F
Can you believe it, it’s the last Product-A-Day challenge piece! I wanted to make something with my hands, so...