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Angelia is one of those young, super-positive adventurers who inspire me with their can-do attitude. Her latest Kickstarter is for a compact-sized planner based on the Passion Planner. Check it out!
For you future notebook makers, there’s a nice design process section on her Kickstarter page with some helpful tips!
Thing-a-Day 02: Quick Business Card Refresh
November 2, 2014Read moreToday’s Commentary It feels good to be making things again, quickly and without a lot of agonizing over how...
Thing-a-Day 01: Numbers version of Compact Calendar
November 1, 2014Read moreToday’s Commentary I got started on my product for the day rather late, but this was due to starting...
November Challenge: 30 Days of Product Making
October 31, 2014Read moreI’m in a kind of productivity lull. I am managing only to get a few things done every day...
2014 Resolutions Review 08: Shifting Goals
October 13, 2014Read moreI just got back from a 10-day business trip to California, and so I’m posting my Groundhog Day Resolutions...
1401.001 Video Game Progress Report: Stubs!
October 3, 2014Read moreIt’s been two weeks since I declared six new project goals that I’ve been stuck on for years, even...
Game Project 1401: Kickoff
September 24, 2014Read moreOne of the six goals I established in my next ten years is making my own game. I’ve made...
Nanowrimo 2014 Word Counting Calendar Available!
September 21, 2014Read moreNational Novel Writing Month is still over a month away, but several people have asked me whether I’m updating...
My Next 10 Years of Blogging
September 16, 2014Read moreSUMMARY: 10 years of writing. The next 10 years are for making!
2014 Resolutions Review 07: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
September 9, 2014Read moreContinuing from last month’s Groundhog’s Day Resolutions Review, I had hoped for another kick-ass month. Parts of it were...