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“The Best of David Seah” Article Guide
November 14, 2007Read moreI still think I’m too young and pretty to merit a “best of” collection, but I had to dig...
The Medium and the Message (Complete)
November 12, 2007Read moreI’ve been to Salem many times, largely because one of my best friends from high school lives there. It’s...
Ground Hog Day Resolution Review Day 9: Remembrance
November 11, 2007Read moreIt’s 11/11, Veteran’s Day here in the United States. It’s also Groundhog Day Resolutions Review Day, the day in...
The Medium and The Message
November 8, 2007Read moreI’ve been to Salem many times, primarily because one of my best friends from High School lives there, and...
The Slow Road to Product Development: Emergent Task Planner Updates
November 7, 2007Read moreYes, the project has been moving slowly. I’ve had a few email inquiries regarding the status of the pre-printed...
Getting Started with ExpressionEngine
October 28, 2007Read moreI finally have bitten the bullet and am making the switch from WordPress to Expression Engine. I spent quite...
Getting Focused 05: Productivity Tips from a Starbucks Barrista
October 24, 2007Read moreI was sitting outside Starbucks talking to the veteran shift leader, who’d come outside for a quick break. The...
Firing My Brain, Redux
October 19, 2007Read moreI’ve significantly revised yesterday’s post Getting Focused 04: Firing my Brain. I’d written it in a sleepy have, and...
Getting Focused 04: Firing My Brain
October 17, 2007Read moreUPDATE 10-19-2007: I originally wrote this in bed as I was winding down to sleep, and I didn’t proof...