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Day 2: It’s All a Blur
March 9, 2008Read moreI don’t have the energy to write a detailed report on the sessions of the day, though I will...
Day 2: Rolling Start
March 8, 2008Read moreIt was a rather good day. I started the day out by eating a meat-laden buffet breakfast so I...
Day 2: Pre-Festival Insights
March 8, 2008Read moreOn the flight, I had taken some notes about “who I am” so I could better figure out how...
Day 1: On The Way to SXSW 2008
March 7, 2008Read moreI’m here at the Manchester, New Hampshire airport, waiting for my flight to board. Up until now I was...
Getting Ready for SXSW
March 6, 2008Read moreAgain I’m way behind on preparing for this trip to South By Southwest Interactive (SXSW), which is a sprightly...
Writers Block? Me?
March 4, 2008Read moreI’ve never really had a problem sitting down and spewing out a bunch of words. My process is pretty...
Ground Hog Day Resolution Review Day 01: Slinking Out the Gate in 2008
March 2, 2008Read moreIt’s March 3, otherwise known has Groundhog Day Resolutions Review Day No. 1. I’m slightly embarrassed to say that...
Quickie Business Card Design 8: Return of Dot Story
February 28, 2008Read moreYes, South by Southwest Interactive 2008 is about to spring again in Austin, Texas, and I am again way...
A New Pen for a New Notebook
February 24, 2008Read moreA good friend of mine recently went to London, and on return announced she’d gotten me a present that...
Alex Shalman’s Happiness Project (and interview with me)
February 24, 2008Read moreI’m still holed up with work, but here’s a quick link: Practical Personal Development blogger Alex Shalman interviewed me...