Internet Holiday

Internet Holiday

When you’ve used the same shampoo for a long time, your hair tends to become resistant to its cleansing powers. I guess some kind of chemical gunk builds up. The solution is to switch brands for a few days, which seems to restore the balance and your hair again is luxuriant in sass and sheen. Or in my case, it doesn’t feel as ratty.

Mentally, I’m feeling the need for some new shampoo…so I’m going to stay away from the Internet and see what happens.

This day has been a long time coming. In 1987, having experienced what would become the Internet for the first time, I vowed that I would always have an Internet connection. I can’t remember ever NOT wanting to be networked or hooked up. It’s exciting to search out and connect with online communities that feed my interests, but I’m just not “feeling it” right now. I need to do something different.

The Rules: Do Not Use Computer for Communication, Curiosity, or Entertainment. Business is OK. Pure Information Grab is OK.

The Activities: Not real exciting, but I think they’ll be good to get out of the way. Not looking for thrills. Maybe all I need is to take a more measured approach to Internet use, in the same spirit that one eats and drinks in moderation.

  • Clean My House
  • Explore the Region
  • Organize My Office
  • Read

I may check my email, but instead of writing long messages I’ll just write terse replies and follow-up with a phone call.

1 Comment

  1. S. 20 years ago

    Excellent, then I’ll be calling you sometime!  Good weekend.