Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Today is, of course, Talk Like A Pirate Day! It’s a great excuse to run around saying pirate words like ARRRR and AVAST. My vocabulary in this regard is pretty limited, so I’m cribbing from the glossary posted on TLAPD’s translators page. You can also translate entire web pages, if you want to make your Sunday browsing extra special.

Completely awesome is this WordPress 1.2 plugin by Dougal Campbell. The automatic pirate text translation is via that plugin. It even automatically activates on TLAPD, which is September 19.

animated gif of pirate flag UPDATE: The filter has been turned off. Sorry!


  1. BradFitzz 20 years ago

    A pirate walks into a bar with a peg leg, a parrot on his shoulder, and a steering wheel on his pants. The bartender says, “Hey, you’ve got a steering wheel on your pants.” “Arrrr, I know, says the pirate. It’s driving me nuts.”

    Happy TLAP Day!

  2. Dave 20 years ago

    Is this still working? Am I getting pirate speech? I hope so!