Fortune Cookie Wisdom

Fortune Cookie Wisdom

You aspire to great things? “You aspire to great things? Begin with the little ones.”

Despite this not really being a fortune, it’s still pretty darn good.


  1. Single Malt Sam 17 years ago

    I like it.  Sharp.


  2. Larry 17 years ago

    Ha. I once got one that said “You will enjoy good health” with a silly smiley face after it. About two days later, I started suffering from the flu, food poisoning, AND scarlet fever all at once.

  3. Andrew 17 years ago

    That’s a good fortune and here is another worth sharing. Mind you, I actually received this after a meal, I did not make it up.

    “Beware of cookies bearing fortunes”

    Who knew those little crunchy shells could contain irony as well?

  4. penny 17 years ago

    Very nice! I really like that one. ;)

  5. Phil 17 years ago

    Two awesome quotes!

    -> as much as I hate being a party-pooper, you spelled “begin” incorrectly in your posting (Although “Being with the little ones” does sound quite zen-ish and would definitely be appropriate for those with “little ones”).

  6. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Thanks for the catch, Phil! I’ve corrected it

  7. Kyle Korleski 17 years ago

    I think I got a cookie that said “Beware of cookies bearing fortunes” as well.