GHDR Weekly Review 4.3 – A Good Work Week, But Little Else

GHDR Weekly Review 4.3 – A Good Work Week, But Little Else

This is the third “weekly review” for my yearly goals, the Groundhog Day Resolutions. I have always done monthly reviews for my GHDRs, but it finally dawned on me this year that I needed to do them WEEKLY because I keep forgetting what I’m doing. To be fair to myself, I have been focused on activities that are relevant to my goals, but my progress has seemed…haphazard? More random than I’d like? Let’s see if I did any better this week.


The past week was very much focused on billable work, because I am replenishing my cash reserves. I did not spend a lot of time on my project-related GHDRs, except for a few hours spent trying-out various static site generators. I was able to generate a pretty decent export of all my WordPress posts as individual files, which is an important step on the road to making a new reference-style website built on better technology!

So while billable work and static site generation moved forward, I didn’t remember to do a few key things that are part of this year’s GHDR methodlogy:

  • I DID NOT remember to write things into the Accrual Log, the public spreadsheet where I list all my concrete reusable accomplishments. I also have been using the spreadsheet to keep track of what I’m supposed to focus on, but since I didn’t write anything in it I didn’t get a chance to see them. DUH.

  • I DID use the #accountability list in the Discord chat throughout the week. This is a more reliable home for information, since I am in the Discord chat all the time keeping my “office hours” for anyone who wants to come and hang-out while we work.

Here’s what got done last week, as preserved by the #accountability message I maintain throughout the week.

[x] - find lab request, schedule lab
[x] - code refactor, pass 2 (TUE)
[.] - port UNISYS server (WED...)
[x] - restaurant menu xls code review (SUN)

[x] - static site/public lab notebook push (MON)
[x] - WED 15M GHDR push (TUE 4HR)
[>] - GIFT FOCUS on PATREON VIDEO --> push
[>] - research alternative Promise-based syntax for Call() --> push
[>] - Creative Summit github pages site? --> push
[>] - SUN 30M GHDR review --> push

[x] - MON 1100 session
[x] - MON try KFC pickle chicken sandwich
[x] - MON get labs done
[x] - MON 15M+60M GHDR (installed 4 ssgs)
[x] - TUE 1400 accountability with @Jakob
[x] - TUE sched 2nd shot
[/] - WED 15M cardio?
[-] - WED social rpg? (no meet)
[x] - THU 1800 hangout at MakeIt Labs

[x] done, [>] bumped, [-] removed, [/] failed, [.] in-progress, [+] added+done

On reviewing it, I think I got a pretty good amount of things done. I was able to make steady, meaningful progress on a lot of fairly complicated coding challenges. I really started to hit the coding groove in a way I haven’t in a very long time, so that’s huge!

I also punted several tasks that would have been worthwhile:

  • going to the gym
  • researching some advanced code structures
  • building some community tools
  • the perennially stuck PATREON video

These tasks have been on my todo list for a while, but I am unable to activate them for whatever reason. It could be that I don’t really want to do them. I think it’s more likely that I am seeing them as chores that don’t promise any kind of exciting REACTION from people. All of these tasks are things that other people might appreciate, but no one has asked for them. Even going to the gym is for ME, and I am not very motivated.

I think there are a few things I want to remember this week to help me with motivation:

  • Doing small creative acts every day that produce beneficial artifacts drives negative feelings away. The lack of negativity makes it easier to work too.
  • Thinking about my work in the terms of making gifts instead of meeting obligations was a much better way to frame my projects and personal ambitions.
  • START RITUAL – Look at the Accrual Log and reread the goals. Maybe also scan the GHDR 2018 page. This shouldn’t take more than a few seconds.
  • UNSTUCK RITUAL – Write in my “interstitial journal” when I’m not clear about my priorities. Through writing, I can eventually sharpen my attention until it converges on something to do.
  • DAY RITUAL – Use #accountability room for the actual list of tasks and events that are on my plate.
  • ENDING RITUAL – At the end of the day, log my gift-type achievements into the Accrual Log. Maybe I need to give the day a “ranking” or “grade” too to make it fun.
  • REMEMBER that it’s about the gift experience I can bring to another
  • REMEMBER to review the GHDR2018 goals, and also the GUIDANCE spreadsheet.

I’ve pasted all these reminders into the Accrual Log spreadsheet. I just need to remember to do them. I’m adding this note to my #accountability list right now, which will remind me to look at it every day.


I’d like to make sure I inject at least three 15M sessions for working on my non-billable projects. Even that small amount of effort will help me get unstuck. And I need to remember the importance of focusing on the joy of shared experiences, rather than think only about the reasoned benefits of a well-executed business strategy. Maybe the most important memory of all is to do things for people, not just myself; this is the essence of the gift-giving stratagem I mentioned several weeks ago.

That said, the focus this week is again billable work. We have unofficially kicked off a new project, though I believe we’ll only really get moving on it in the third week of July due to vacations and unexpected travel plans.

About this Article Series

For my 2018 Groundhog Day Resolutions, I'm challenging myself to develop "gathering-style productivity" as I pursue the year's goals. You'll find the related posts on the 2018 Groundhog Day Resolutions page.


  1. Brian C 7 years ago

    How was the pickle chicken sandwich?

  2. Bryan 7 years ago

    I’ve recently discovered your work by randomly searching through planning journals on Amazon. Most, if not all of them, were not set up the way I think and plan. So I began designing my own. Then I found your ETP, and decided to use it awhile to see if it helps my work flow, and gives room for the dynamics of the day. I love your innovations. The estimates of time , record of actual time, and the journal of scheduled daily task time in one place, is very very helpful. I’m experimenting with several other of your forms, and will comment on each of those related posts. Be encouraged. Your designs are not only deeply useful, they have a beautiful design simplicity that doesn’t cloud the mind when using.

  3. Bryan Prosser 7 years ago

    Got home from vacation today and was excited to print a few forms to use. I love your ATP- Annoyed Task Planner. Who hasn’t felt this way? Might as well pull one of these out on the bad days. I forwarded this to my creative son in LA who does freelance film directing. BTW, not sure why I could not post a comment directly to the ATP post. Left it here instead. (I’ve been a classroom teacher for 30 years and now developing a little freelance of my own. The website below has barely seen the light so far.)