Arc Notebook Junior + Mini ETP

Arc Notebook Junior + Mini ETP

Arc Notebook Junior I didn’t know there was a “Junior” size version of the Arc Notebook! Click to see the photo gallery of this afternoon’s experimentation.

Earlier today I got a request from someone who had purchased the wrong-size Mini ETP; he told me that he’d gotten an A5-sized Arc Notebook and was putting the sheets into it. I didn’t even know there was a half-sized version of the Arc, so as a reward for my productive morning I went to Staples to see what they had.

Starting with the 2UP BOOKLET template, I can print two sheets on one full-size piece of US Letter paper.Printing from Adobe Acrobat is recommended. The settings that matter are ACTUAL SIZE, and making sure you flip on the SHORT END.My trusty paper cutter helped me align the cutting point at 5.5 inches exactly.

You can see how the gutter in the middle allows room in the middle. Maybe too much for the Arc system, actually.Using my $45 Arc Punch on the JUNIOR setting to get perfect punch alignment.Oh yeah. This works! Maybe too much space though on the left.

This is fairly thick printer paper, but it still isn't quite thick enough. Looks nice, though.A two-page spread looks good, though I wonder for a notebook this size if the left-side should be left blank. Hmm.

I was pretty happy with the way this looks, though I don’t think I would use it personally since I like bigger sheets and double-wire binding. Still, I know of several people who love their Arc Notebooks. I’m thinking of producing a run of Junior-sized stock, sold in unbound reams, for people who might want to make their own books. Whether to do it double-sided or not…that is the question! Let me know what you think!


  1. nkmcalli 12 years ago

    Yay! So I LOVE my Arc, and I do have the A5 size for my main book. I would prefer single-sided ETP, because in the front of my book I keep one of the zip pouches with a pen et. al. It would be pretty awkward to write on the back of any pages, and so far I never have. (Accidental lie – I write on both sides of the calendar pages.) Also, look at the sleeve on the inside left cover – that would also make it difficult to write on the back. Of course since it’s an Arc, you can just take the page out, write on the back, and then replace it.

  2. nkmcalli 12 years ago

    Side (non-ETP) note: I’m using the book outliner form with my technical books. I got a large-format Arc to keep those pages in and it’s working great. There was plenty of room to punch the pages.

    I think the Arc is amazing, and thank you for taking the time to make your great stuff work with it.

  3. Alicia Scott 12 years ago

    Oooooohhhh – I like! Very fun! Can’t wait to try out the arc notebook. And as I am a buyer for pretty much all the David Seah products, I’m waiting until this gets produced for sale! love it!

  4. Chi 12 years ago

    David, this is exactly how I use the ETP and TPP. I love it.

  5. Katherine 11 years ago

    That’s totally where I store and use my ETP sheets! I use the Levenger Circa binder, but it functions with the same system. I prefer the letter size though, as I usually end up scribbling all over the page. Thanks for the great ideas and wonderful printables!