Revision 2 of ETT 2013 Available

Revision 2 of ETT 2013 Available

"Revision to ETT 2013" Reader Nancy solved a problem with the hour columns in the revised for 2013 Emergent Task Timer. The hours are now written in directly above each column, instead of over the hour boundaries; the image above shows the difference. It’s subtle, but I think it makes it a lot easier to make the connection between quarter-hours and the time. Thanks Nancy!

Here’s a quick link to the download on the original post if you’d like to check it out.

I also got a preliminary quote from my commercial printer, and I think I’ll take a chance and print 500 75-sheet pads for sale on Amazon. Once I’m happy with the wording and sure that the design is good, I’ll send it to press and see what happens! If you have any feedback or suggestions, now’s a good time to chime in! :-)


  1. Hector Thomas 12 years ago

    Very Nice!

    I’m going to try this out today. I really like the “Stuff that just happened” category and the distinction between justified and unjustified distractions.

    This elegantly captures the key components of effective workflow:

    1. Set goals and put a laser focus on them (the three major tasks)

    2. Don’t allow the urgent to displace the important (questionable distractions)

    3. Be flexible enough to recognize when you need to put out a fire or pivot (justified distractions)

    I’ve found that learning to distinguish between 2 and 3 to be one of the most challenging aspects of time management.

    Let’s see how this new version of the ETT helps with that.

    Thanks David!

  2. Author
    Dave Seah 12 years ago

    Hector: Great! And thanks for so elegantly summarizing the components of effective workflow. I may have to steal that for the product description :D