Emergent Task Planner Mini-Notebook is on Amazon!

Emergent Task Planner Mini-Notebook is on Amazon!

Amazon Notebooks Available They’re here! Head over to amazon.com and grab them. I’m working on getting international shipping working next; if you want to be alerted when this (along with other product-y announcements) is available, sign up here on the Dave Seah New Stuff Newsletter.

If you want to pay by PayPal, or live outside of the United States, I have a limited number of notebooks available at my new online store.


  1. Gary Varner 12 years ago

    Excellent news! Just ordered a couple, one for work, one for home.

    Thanks again for making this size available. Here’s hoping it’s a runaway success for you!

  2. Eric Blanchette 12 years ago


  3. benjamin 12 years ago

    yeah canada …

  4. Andrea 12 years ago

    Got my mini ETP today from Amazon and immediately began planning my afternoon. I’m a college instructor and always struggle a bit trying to be productive right after the school year ends (like today!) with making progress on old projects I finally have time to do and also reminding myself of what I decided I need to change from the year’s teaching. Here I go! Thanks for making the ETP available in this form as I think I’m really going to like it!

  5. Andreas Matern 12 years ago

    Got mine, works great, quality paper and it is certainly helping me try and stay focused!

  6. Lynn O'Connor 12 years ago

    I love the new ETP notebook!!! It is turning out even better, more useful, effective, than I had even imagined. For years I’ve been using the ETP letter size and putting them in a Circa notebook. Problem was I kept losing them, filing them and then a year later, forgot where the file was etc. Having the ETPs in a spiral bound notebook is absolutely fantastic. I use it every day, I will not lose the days (with phone numbers as calls come in, etc etc. I just wanted to put this out here, that this productivity product is one of the most helpful I’ve ever used. I am also using a Kanban board (home made) because having a visual picture of what I am doing (with limits) and what I’ve done (I’ve organized it most simply “Backlog/Todo” “Doing” and “Done” in conjunction, using small post-its (color coded) with the ETP notebook, and my productivity has increased exponentially in the last few weeks. The two work together perfectly. I still keep Omnifocus running, as things come in I add them to my context lists. But from that I plan my day on the ETP and Kanban Board for the visual reminders. Perfect. I may sound redundant but it isn’t. And I can take the ETP notebook with me everywhere.

    Thanks Dave, you’ve added something that I suspect many of us really appreciate.

  7. Cathy von Hassel-Davies 12 years ago

    Amazon is out of stock. Any where else where I can purchase these? TIA!!

  8. Author
    Dave Seah 12 years ago

    My printer is trying to push some out to cover a production hole. We’ve been looking for a better notebook cover stock, and the process slipped out much longer than we thought it would. So we’re producing this run with the same stock.

  9. carissa 12 years ago

    Do you have a sense of when they will re-up

  10. Author
    Dave Seah 12 years ago

    Carissa: I’m told that a shipment is going out today or tomorrow, so Amazon should have them in stock sometime next week. Sorry for the delay!

  11. Clare Harwood 12 years ago

    I would so love one of these little planners … but it seems they’re not yet available in the UK

    Any plans to enable us poor souls over the pond to get hold of these?

    Thanks Clare