Notice: Broken RSS Feed

Notice: Broken RSS Feed

Thanks to Elaine and Jim for pointing out that my RSS feed seems to have stopped functioning. I’m using Feedburner, an RSS Feed manager that allows me to see the number of subscribers, and it seems stuck no matter what I do. I’m trying to restore function without breaking the existing subscriptions. The official feed URL is Incidentally, the journal feeds are NOT included in the main feed; I’ll look at rolling-up a separate feed for everything that doesn’t depend on a third-party service.

UPDATE: The feed caching problem didn’t show up when debugging in Chrome, but it did when using Firefox. Tracked it down when using Firefox, and saw the stuck feed. Nuked cache directory and the feed seems to have fixed, but will keep an eye on it. In meantime, will take advantage of this chaos to migrate Feedburner feeds to my “real” Google Account, finally.

UPDATE 2: The cause of this problem is WP-SuperCache 1.0, which was updated around December 6, 2011. I probably updated it a few days later, which is right around the time the feed froze. There’s a thread on about it. It apparently affects network (AKA multisite) installs of WordPress. Donncha’s next version will probably fix it.


  1. B. Moore 13 years ago

    This is the feed url I have in Google Reader for your site:

    Should I change it to the one in your post??

  2. Gabe Morton-Cook 13 years ago

    This post, along with the last 6 all showed up in the feedburner feed today.

  3. Author
    Dave Seah 13 years ago

    B.Moore: Switch it to the one in the post! It will (or should) automatically switch-over to wherever it ends up being handled. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Gabe: Thanks for letting me know!

  4. Elaine 13 years ago

    I’ve just realised now that I’m here that this means it’s working again. Looking forward to catching up, and glad to have you back!

  5. Author
    Dave Seah 13 years ago

    Elaine: Yay, glad you made it back! :)