Visiting San Jose

Visiting San Jose

December 9 through December 14 I’ll be in San Jose, California for an extended on-site, getting serious about coding for the Big Project. Although I don’t yet know our schedule (it is going to be pretty intense), I thought I’d see if there was any interest in having a productivity geek dinner at some easy-to-access place that’s quiet enough to hear each other talk.

When I used to run user group meetings here in New Hampshire, I would encourage people to bring some objects (not on a computer, though, unless the computer itself is cool) for a kind of informal show and tell. The criteria? If you think it’s interesting, then likely other people will too. When you bring some object to serve as a conversational prop, our geekly excitement tends to override any hesitation. It works great, and it makes it much easier to remember people.

Any takers? Leave a comment if you’re interested, and a suggestion for a venue. I guess we could make a page on the Public Wiki for coordination. You’ll have to register first. I guess it is also time to bring a forum online as well. If there’s any interest, I’ll set it up.


  1. Jakob Heuser 17 years ago

    Hey Dave! Good to hear you’ll be out in San Jose! I’d love to meet up with you and other productivity geeks.  You’ve got my email, let’s hope more people are interested too. :)

  2. TE 17 years ago

    It would be great to meet up with you as well. I’ve just started using the compact calendar so it would be great to hear more ideas on how folks use the tools. Shoot me an email.

  3. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Awesome! I set up a editable page for my travel plans where I’ll keep things up to date. I’ll email you each separately.

  4. leland 17 years ago

    Love to join you for a geeks dinner.  I will keep an eye on the thread.

  5. cryptorchid 17 years ago

    If I can make the time you setup I would like to join some other geeks for show and tell.  :-)

  6. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    I’ve arrived in San Jose, pretty busy at the moment, so it is looking like later in the week. I am located off the “Alum Rock Ave Exit” off 101. Am looking into finding a quiet place where a bunch of nerds can hang out and chat. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

  7. Jakob Heuser 17 years ago The Coffee Society at the pruneyard is usually a good meeting spot. While not excessively quiet, it has a great atmosphere and is also home to a lot of meetups here in SV.

    I’m right by the SJ Airport, so I can get just about anywhere as long as it isn’t rush hour. :)

  8. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    That sounds good…maybe Thursday evening after work we can all hang out over there. I’ll confirm with my cousin here and then update everyone who’s emailed.

    It just occurred to me that I didn’t really bring anything for show and tell. Well, maybe we can all design something :-)

  9. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    UPDATE: I emailed everyone as a group. I’m suggesting meeting around 6 or 7PM at the “Coffee Society” on Thursday, so if you can confirm via email that would be great! If you didn’t get the email, let me know.