

Dad emailed me a couple days ago to let me know he was thinking of coming to visit for six weeks this October, and so I’m looking forward to an awesome start to this year’s holiday season. I’m thinking that I’ll have to paint the living room now, so today I’m planning on getting it ready for said activity next weekend.

So I mentally take my brain ignition key out and give it a good crank.

RrrrrrRrrrrRrrrr. RRrrRRrrRrrr. Rrrrrr. Clunk.

Just a temporary setback, I assured myself, but I know in the way that I suspect Han Solo knew in The Empire Strikes Back that the hyperdrive ain’t working for reasons he was well aware of: slacking off on getting that darned hyperspace motivator replaced at the 100K parsecs mark, and here he was pushing the poor Millennium Falcon 200K past the last full tune-up when he should have had it and a half-dozen other components replaced. He didn’t need no shiny-assed protocol droid to tell him what he knew already, that was for sure, and he didn’t really need to feel the guilt that went along with that because, well, maybe he’d pushed the line just once too far.

Where was I? Oh, yes…I was just saying that I was having trouble kick-starting my motivation this morning, and it’s just kind of making this sad grinding noise every time I turn the metaphorical ignition key. I actually know that I could sit down and make up a few lists, blocking out my time using the pre-printed Emergent Task Planner pad I have in front of me (aside: the pads are being shrinkwrapped now; it turns out that this was a necessity after all, but more on that next week). I already went to the gym and ate lunch, drank some coffee, and have the energy to start moving things around. But for some reason, the ignition just isn’t sparking. So I sit at my computer and procrastinate further (albeit semi-productively) by banging out a stream-of-consciousness blog posting about the very problem I’m having just this minute.

Tricks of the Text

I find that if I write anything down at all, it’s much more likely to happen. I think it’s because writing forces me to linearize my thinking, which is naturally prone to free association and connection making between just about any three things that happen to buzz into my internal projection screen. On this screen, in the theater of my mind, is a slideshow of Things I’m Supposed To Do. Sometimes the slideshow has some pretty interesting graphics that I can get into, but then again I’m sitting in the back of the theater, in a dark room, just having eaten lunch and already thinking about things I’d rather be doing. Which is anything other than having to sit and watch this slideshow of Things I’m Supposed To Do.

Ok, I got lost in my own head again, but I think I’ve gotten a little farther: that slideshow of Things I’m Supposed To Do is really boring. It doesn’t matter that it’s really effective (I am looking at my pre-printed pad and thinking if only I had a number 2 pencil handy, I would love to fill in one of those juicy bubbles. But alas, I am somehow glued to my chair and typing frantically hoping that my responsibilities will melt away, but I digress again).

Again, it doesn’t matter that making lists of things to do is an effective, simple way to just get your attention focused on That Which Needs To Get Done. I could perhaps make a GAME out of getting things done, but even I can see through that trick and it just triggers the teenage apathy that I thought I had finally outgrown last year (I am about to turn 40, for those who are curious about such things). Why make a game of it when I can reward myself right now, thank you very much. If you flip procrastination on its ear, it’s a form of doing what you want right now, proactively avoiding work that you know to be rewarding but kinda dull. That work would entail:

  1. Taking 1 minute to find a pencil, I could write down what I needed to do on a sheet of ETP paper.
  2. Writing down “find empty boxes, assemble”, estimated time 30 minutes.
  3. Writing down “clear a space in the basement upstairs to put said boxes, once they are full”, estimated time 30 minutes.
  4. Writing down “loading up boxes in the living room”, estimated time 60 minutes.
  5. Writing down “moving all those damn boxes upstairs, which probably actually has more room, instead of downstairs”, scratching out number 3 and changing the text appropriately.
  6. Writing down “collapsing the furniture and moving that stuff downstairs.”
  7. Go out and have a Slurpee while flirting with the attractive Slurpee Machine Operator, assuming that it is a she.

Oh crap, now I’ve gone and made a list, and now I have to follow through with it. Have a good weekend, all!


  1. Howard 17 years ago

    Thoughts as I read this:

    1) It’s great you like your dad enough to be that excited to see him.

    2) It’s really interesting how you call it the Emergent Task Planner and my company is called Emergent Associates(hmm great minds?)

    3) I also have to write down tasks just to narrow down my options or I can get overwhelmed by the constant stream of connections in my mind. That’s why I do trainings on planning with some of my clients. That Slideshow of Things I’m Supposed To Do can be incredibly tempting for me. It isn’t boring. What’s funny is how the things I’m supposed to do often seem so much more interesting than the things I decided I would do. Yet once they become things I decided I would do, THEN they become boring. So odd!

    4) Sometimes I just listen to my procrastination and I figure maybe I really do just need to chill for now. And sometimes I find things like perfectionism or other issues behind it.

    5) Sometimes breaking the tasks down incredibly small and giving myself absurdly long breaks between them can get me moving. And sometimes once I’m moving I notice I’m motivated to do two or three tasks before my next break. Pavlina talks about this kind of thing in both his Microtasks and Time Boxing posts.



  2. Lynn O'Connor 17 years ago

    David, your blog today captures my state of procrastination. I have been “supposed” to read three dissertations to be an “outside evaluator” for another school (from the school in which I am faculty). I’ve had two months to do this, and this week I was not so gently reminded of my commitment. I tried to get out of it, you know, change the commitment and I was not let out easy. So I said I would try to do the task in the next few weeks. I had been doing time-blocking for this task, like “read diss #1 for 20 minutes today” on my Emergent Task Planner for weeks. Problem is I didn’t get to that item on the planner, other things were more attractive. Now I’m up against the deadline, and told I can’t break my commitment. So here I am on Sunday morning, reading your blog, which is giving me instructions to get out today’s ETP, make the list and start doing it. I am going to be deadly bored today, and I have to suck it up. Maybe having bubbles to fill in will help. I often don’t use them, today I think I will. Make it a game as you suggested.
