Down for Maintenance

Down for Maintenance

I’m upgrading to WordPress 2.0.3 from 1.5.2. Whee! Hopefully this goes smoothly. Site will be down until tomorrow, and if everything goes right it will look exactly the same. Geeky notes follow…nothing to see here.

UPDATE: I think everything is working. No theme modifications required that I can tell. The conversion might have even gone faster if I’d known how mod_rewrite really worked.


  • Backed up Database via host control panel
  • Modified index.php by commenting out require blogheader line, added temporary HTML page information.
  • Copied down list of installed plugins: LZIL, PHPMarkdownExtra, SK2, VL112, AdSense Deluxe, BB2, GetRecentComments, LastModifeid, WP-Amazon, WP-Cache, WP-ContactForm
  • Checked for updated WP 2.0 plugins. Only WP-ContactForm required update.
  • Upload new WordPress folder separate from old one…will do server-based rename when “it’s time”
  • Run WP 2.03 upgrade script.
  • Chase down HTACCESS issues with permalink structure, doublecheck that googled links still work. Modified the default WordPress HTACCESS to redirect . to /wordpress/index.php, instead of /index.php so I could test by going directly to the wordpress subdirectory, leaving the “Maintenance” index.php file in place.
  • Re-enable all plugins except for WP-CACHE.
  • Testing WP-CONTACT FORM… seems to work…received test email
  • Move image folders from old wp-content folder to new wp-content folder.
  • Restore normal operation of index.php file.
  • Re-enable WP-CACHE… seems to work…
  • Re-validate HTML… looks good…
  • Re-validate feed URLS… doh. HTACCESS configuration issues. Feedburner seems stuck on the old “maintenance” page for some reason. Ah, it’s better now after pinging and waiting. Tried using a feedburner redirection plugin, but it wasn’t as automatic as I had hoped…reverted to the “old RewriteRule” method, and changed QSA to R. Mod_rewrite gives me the willies.
  • Added feedburner url exception to WP-CACHE strings.
  • Move theme-specific php files into theme directory.
  • Move 9rules logo images into theme directory.


  1. Dave Seah 19 years ago

    Testing comments. Do they still work?


  2. kartooner 19 years ago

    Yes, no, maybe, okay, yes they do!