Stepping Up

Stepping Up

Visit 9rules Network In July I was browsing the server logs, and noticed an incoming link from a website affiliated with the 9rules network. I was impressed by the sheer quality of the member sites–all of them beautiful, well-written, and highly personable. In short, they possessed all the qualities I wanted my site to have!

But what really got me excited were the founding principles of the network:

The 9rules Network is about building a community of high quality websites as well as a community of highly discerning readers. Content is king and looking good helps. We add sites that meet these rigorous standards and leave bribe money under our keyboards. […] The network is here for both experienced writers and bloggers, for newer authors trying to gain a foothold, and for the millions of readers who flock to sites in our network everyday. Site authors can join the network and boost their audience, newer authors can get some help from more experienced members, and web users now have a place to find great content on the web. 9rules is for everyone.

I liked the vibe of what they said…wouldn’t it be cool to be part of a network like that?

As luck would have it, had just started their 2nd Round of Submissions, which was to last for only 24 hours. I was able to submit this website before the deadline, and crossed my fingers.

Over the next few weeks several sites were added to the 9rules roster, but not mine. That was ok with me…I was grateful that I had gotten a chance to hear about 9rules in the first place, and vowed I would build my own network! With the new career direction building momentum, I was feeling good about the future.

Yesterday, I got a confirmation email that my site had, indeed, not made the cut. I felt a twinge of sadness, but I had been expected this. This was just more incentive to refocus the site, which was in the works anyway, and take things to a higher level on my own.

Then two minutes later, I got another email:

“Scratch that last email. Welcome to the network.

This is the largest group of talented, quality-conscious, independently-minded people I have ever been affiliated with. It’s both daunting and exciting to be in their presence, and I’m happy to be a part of this organization (never thought I’d say that about ANY organization, but there it is).

This feels like the right thing to do. Awesome!


  1. BradFitz 20 years ago

    Congrats Dave! This is well deserved, you rock!

  2. Bryan Veloso 20 years ago

    Glad to have you on the team! I’m really enjoying it here, great stuff you have. :]

  3. David W. 20 years ago

    Congratulations, I’m very happy for you!

  4. Bryan 20 years ago

    Congrats Dave. That is awesome. Great to have you aboard.

  5. William 20 years ago

    I’ve actually read your blog before and I like it a lot.

    Welcome to the gang :)

  6. kartooner 20 years ago

    I can only see good things happening from this. :) Welcome to 9rules Dave. Make sure you tip Paul’s pickle jar. ;)

  7. Dave 20 years ago

    Thanks guys! Very very cool :-)

  8. seuss 20 years ago

    well deserved. give yourself some credit and don’t be so surprised.