Upgrading to WordPress 1.5

Upgrading to WordPress 1.5

Upgrading to WordPress 1.5… Please be patient while I resolve the incompatibilities with the old site’s visual layout with the new system.

I followed the steps here:

  • There are some weird things with image tags, and my layout isn’t showing up! It also looks like kubrick.
  • As it turns out, the WordPress 1.5 upgrade process automatically created a template with the name of your blog. It is incorrectly generated based on the default template in WordPress 1.5. You have to pick the one YOU created manually. After I did that, the problems went away.
  • I could use Dreamweaver’s editor fine, against what the upgrade notes suggest. But of course, I’m working in code view, not design view.
  • Had to update wp_list_cats in my category listing from wp_list_cats('sort_column=name') to wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&children=1&hide_empty=0') to get the same indent behavior I had before.
  • My page buttons for main sections (david-o-cracy, working-it, ideabox) were messed up…had to add some mod_rewrite rules to handle it. The special headers at the top of each section use mod_rewrite to set variables that the index.php code detects.