Soup is Good Food

Soup is Good Food

I have a toothache, which has done wonders to surpress my apetite. Having not slept well for several days due to the throbbing pain, I have resorted to gumming my food on the right side of my mouth and avoiding all things that fall outside of “tepid” in terms of temperature.

However, today I had a culinary breakthrough: Campbell’s Southwestern Chicken Verde Soup + White Bread = Toothache Friendly Fare. It’s sort of like Chicken A La King over bread. Nice and soft. Slurpable. Spicy enough, with small bits of chicken that are easily swallowed. I’m sure this will work with the other fine Campbell’s cream-based soups. I think the Chicken Verde is a bit too strong by itself, but on white bread it’s better. On toast it would probably be pretty good too.

I’ve got a dentist appointment later today, so I’ll be back to solid foods soon. But just in case, I’m slow cooking a beef roast in the crock pot at this very moment.