Oops. Broke Google Results.

Oops. Broke Google Results.

The recent theme refresh went largely without a hitch, but I discovered today that the Google descriptions for all my pages have been replaced with the blog description. This is not cool!

I looked through the header files between the old theme (which worked fine) and the new one, and there is little difference. The only thing that jumped out was that the div element that contained the site description had changed class from “site-description” to “description”, which maybe weighted it more than intended. I changed it back and flushed the cache. I double-checked the Google Sitemap Builder to see if it was not messing up; there was a caching issue that I fixed. I’ll check again tomorrow to see if the descriptions have been updated.

I’m not sure if this is why the productivity tools page has dropped in rank; it used to be ranked #1, but it’s fallen to #10. Perhaps that’s where it should be, as it’s largely a self-referencing page. The top contenders list multiple resources.