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Laying Down Process: First Pass
May 9, 2013Read moreA first look at new process: creating an optimum list of tasks. But what does “optimum” mean?
Kicking off a New Personal Approach to Productivity
May 9, 2013Read moreI’m facing, for the first time in many months, the need to be entirely self-directed AND self-contained at the...
Easing into a New Routine
May 9, 2013Read moreLast night I slept in my own bedroom for the first time in months. Prior to Dad’s visit in...
Regrouping for May
May 8, 2013Read moreThe past eight weeks have been draining, beginning with the difficult push on my website redesign and yearly tax...
GHDR Review 3: Getting Through the Commitment Chain
May 5, 2013Read moreHappy May Day! It also happens to be my father’s birthday, and he has been here in the United...
Family Visits and Notebooks
April 26, 2013Read moreIt’s been a pretty crazy month. After finishing up the exhausting “month of marketing”, I launched into a couple...
Emergent Task Planner Mini-Notebook is on Amazon!
April 20, 2013Read moreThey’re here! Head over to amazon.com and grab them. I’m working on getting international shipping working next; if you...
Notebook Update: Getting Ready to Ship
April 10, 2013Read moreI got an email from my printer Papergraphics, letting me know that the notebooks have come back from the...
GHDR Review 2: New Website, Increasing Opportunity
April 4, 2013Read moreHello resolution makers! Today, April 4, is the second review day of Groundhog Day Resolutions 2013. This past month...
Stage 1 Blog Update: Complete
April 3, 2013Read moreI just implemented the new graphical headers. Some links aren’t working quite right yet (notably the “latest blog posts”...