Monday Staff Meeting

Monday Staff Meeting

It’s November 16, 2009. There’s a lot of carryover from last week, which was derailed by Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday fuzzyheadedness and overscheduling social time; the result is not enough quiet work time.

Goals Met

  • Review starter page designs.
  • Create simple marketing brief for $50-$250 clients.

Other Things Done

…but don’t contribute directly to the Agenceum bottom line…

  • Project archiving started burning to DVD-R and DVD+R media. [4 hours]
  • Project digital storage scheme finalized enough to stop worrying about it. [2 hours]
  • Attended Float Left Labs staff meeting; found out about Scrum and local Scrum Club. [4 hours]
  • Edited and posted Podcast #3; make some improvements to the iTunes RSS enclosure and embedded media for better presentation. [4 hours]
  • Started collecting data regarding music theory for generating compact reference, as prelude to composition. [4 hours]
  • Got the Groundhog Day Resolutions posted. [3 hours]
  • Got the first Business Lessons from Facebook Gaming article posted. [4 hours production]
  • Learned how to cook a pot roast.

Principles Established

  • Establish regular working hours (need to get to sleep early, re-establish morning habits)
  • Avoid scheduling meetings every day; these are productivity killers.
  • Limit social engagements during the day.

Things to be Mindful of This Week

  • Establishing realistic performance metrics; need to start tracking time spent on agency stuff. Use the Excel spreadsheets for tracking time.
  • Maintain momentum through lightweight time tracking.

Goals for This Week

Many of these still stand from last week. The ones in bold are the ones to focus on first.

  • Post descriptions on blog. [est design/implementation time: 6 hours?]
  • Create simple package for $50-$250 based on two designs. [est: 2 hours?]
  • Create marketing message / value proposition / benefit statement. [est time: 2 hours?]
  • Create simple advertisement poster.
  • Adapt poster to web for
  • Establish sales goals and metrics
  • Assemble a list of prospective local clients from friend network
  • Create “get the word out” checklist.
  • Consolidate backups onto archival DVDR and hard disks
  • Create basic Agenceum identity sytem; use this to bootstrap the identity offering.