Money of the World, Regrettable Food

Money of the World, Regrettable Food

I was browsing through after visiting the Gallery of Regrettable Food, which preserves stomach-churning food photography of the 50s and 60s. There’s also a neat section on Money on the World…check out Brazil and Cuba! A country’s money tends to be filled with interesting iconography and symbolism too, so that’s well worth checking out from a graphic design perspective.

You can see a lot of their other projects as part of their Institute of Official Cheer. It’s a good waste of an hour.

1 Comment

  1. Emily 20 years ago

    I love Lileks! Now I know what to get you for Christmas, a scary cookbook where all the recipes are things involving a gelatin mold. :)

    Do you remember a 3 bean salad suspended in a gelatin ring that Mom brought to a church potluck in the 70’s? It was very popular, along with the Waldorf salad. :) S