Website Refresh!

Website Refresh!

I just switched themes from the old TwentyTen-based theme to a new one. It looks pretty much the same as the old one, except the layout is a bit tighter. It will be the basis for future changes to the process journals. I wrote some terse notes on the Agenceum Web Agency blog if anyone’s curious.


  1. Jenni 13 years ago

    I think it looks great. Very clean and organized. Do you mind sharing which theme it is? Thanks!

  2. Author
    Dave Seah 13 years ago

    Thanks Jenni! It’s a custom theme that I developed from scratch, using some very basic techniques.

  3. Douglas Phillips 13 years ago

    It’s been a while since I’ve visited; saw notes about redesign on twitter. I love it – instantly feels better, even though it looks much the same.

    Now that is a good re-design! :)

  4. Peter Knight 13 years ago

    Gorgeous theme. Have you written about how you go about website design before? Couldn’t quickly find anything via search. Curious as to your workflow.

  5. Author
    Dave Seah 13 years ago

    Douglas: Thanks! :) I feel the same way!

    Peter: Thanks! I put most of my website design notes on my fake web agency blog, Agenceum. I don’t think I’ve written about the web design process before, as I’m not a web designer by trade…more by happenstance, when I have to.