A Text Area Interlude, Part II

A Text Area Interlude, Part II

Today’s pre-bedtime code exploration is using MarkItUp, a rich text control that uses jQuery.

Using MarkItUp is pretty simple:

  • Define a textarea and give it an ID.
  • Load the jquery.markitup.js script
  • Load the set.js file that defines markitup options.
  • Make sure the style.css files from the markitup sets and skins folder is included
  • On jQuery.ready(), apply markitup() with the optional options as a parameter.

Bing, it works. It even continues to work with the plugin I was playing with yesterday, the autoResize thing. Now, it doesn’t look quite the way I want it, but it was easy to load. I can now look a little closer as to how to pull data from the TextArea and pass it to my own own parser to do magical stuff. This is very exciting. The documentation details quite a bit more customization that’s possible, but I am done for the night. Tomorrow, I’ll try customizing the look and layout of the test page, and see if I can get my rudimentary thought outliner interface working.