Mail Bag: Simple Lists and Polish Translation

Mail Bag: Simple Lists and Polish Translation

Some quick links from my mail bag:

  • Don’t Get Distracted is a dead-simple “three most important things” focusing tool. Enter three things, then estimate how much time, and go! A countdown timer automatically starts.
  • Paweł Tkaczyk has written about the Concrete Goals Tracker in Polish, nicely asking for permission to use the images. This has gotten me thinking about putting more time into translation and localization.


  1. Phil Spitzer 13 years ago

    Thanks for the post Dave! It’s much appreciated.


  2. Paweł Tkaczyk 13 years ago

    Not only did I write about it, the post landed on Wykop (Polish Digg) and got some pretty good response, so I would seriously consider those Polish translations ;-)

  3. Jacek Synowiec 13 years ago

    Concrete Goals Tracker in Polish?

    Polish version to download (Excel + PDF file – ZIP archive):