Josh Kaufman’s Bonus Tips & Tricks

Josh Kaufman’s Bonus Tips & Tricks

I stumbled upon this great list of productivity tools and habits on Josh Kaufman’s “Personal MBA Bonus Training” page. Josh is the author of, as you might surmise, The Personal MBA, which is one of the clearest books on any subject I’ve ever read.

I’m probably most excited about this list because there’s also mention of a fancy $99 interval timer that apparently makes a really nice alarm noise…I totally want one now :) But there’s more good stuff to be read too…check it out!


  1. Yvonne Root 13 years ago

    Hey Dave,

    I was over there perusing all the great stuff on Josh’s site and it dawned on me. I need to thank you for sending me there.

    So, thanks.

  2. Rachel 13 years ago

    Thanks for the info. Although I could definitely be more productive, I was pleased to see that I already a use a few of his tricks, include the Emergent Task Planner! :-)