Upgraded to WordPress 3.0!

Upgraded to WordPress 3.0!

I’ve been awfully quiet here on Agenceum, and that’s because I’ve be rethinking the whole low-cost website strategy. However, WordPress 3.0 has just come out, and I’m happy to see that my WordPress 2.x installation automatically has updated. SO EASY. Of course, I haven’t really tested it, but it makes me think that I really do need to just standardize on WordPress. Updating a CMS in other systems I use is a huge pain in the butt.

1 Comment

  1. penny 15 years ago

    I’ve been beta testing WP 3.0 on a few of my internal sites & just upgraded one of my many installations to the live 3.0. WordPress makes it so easy and this new version is very nice indeed. Enjoy!