Interview on “Two Geeks and a Girl”

Interview on “Two Geeks and a Girl”

I was recently on the Two Geeks and a Girl podcast hosted by Scott, Richard, and Julianne on the topic of User Interface in web development. It went up a few days ago, and you can hear me sputter and opine about some of my user interface philosophies. Check them out at Two Geeks and a Girl; they cover a broad range of web development and business topics.

On a side note, after recording this podcast and editing the podcasts I do with Sid, I’m really starting to get a good sense of my bad speech patterns :-) Slowing down, taking the time to formulate a sentence rather than restart it constantly, and perhaps opening my mouth wide might help! Perhaps I should do some solo podcasts just for practice. If someone would like to submit a question in the comments, any question at all, I’ll answer them in a microphone :-)


  1. Federico Figueredo 15 years ago

    Sure, I’ll bite :)

    Assuming that you do, what do you use for fast prototyping when you are designing for the web? This can be more or less specific depending on your own workflow and in fact I just want to get some perspective on how another designer tackles these things.

    Rule of Thumb: If you ever feel like you are speaking faster than you are thinking, it is probably wise to slow down (at least when you are trying to talk to other people.)

  2. Dave Seah 15 years ago

    Federico: Thanks for biting! I’ll get the podcasting gear from the studio and try answering that :-)

  3. Scott DiNitto 15 years ago

    Hi Dave,

    Firstly, thanks again for coming on the podcast! To comment on your comment, I have found it is very easy to be self-critical of your own “performance”, if you will, but I have also found a lot of the nuances you talk about are also part of what helps you build your “character”. Some of the things you mention… like slowing down before answering… I used to cut those things down (sometimes I still do to a degree), but I now find they are more natural cues to get inside what the person is thinking as they are speaking.

    It took me some time, and I am still learning, the best way to edit to keep it flowing and still keep it real, or natural. I thought the podcast came out fantastic.

    But, here’s a question for you if you want another:

    What are some important rules to consider following when putting together a layout for a cheat-sheet for using a piece of software?

    I actually am working on this as we speak.

    Thanks again for coming on the show, let’s do it again sometime.


  4. Federico Figueredo 15 years ago

    Hey Dave,

    Did you ever record that podcast? I’m particularly interested in the topic I mentioned but I can’t seem to find the podcast on your recent entries (granted, I’m only reading the excerpts.)

    A yes/no would be great, an idiot proof link would be excellent. I’ll continue looking just so I can really feel like a fool =)


  5. Dave Seah 15 years ago

    Scott: Thanks for the advice and the extra question! I’ll queue it up.

    Federico: No, I never did follow up! I did eventually get the podcast gear out of the studio into a new bag I’ve been testing from ThinkTank (it’s awesome), so your question is still queued.

  6. Federico Figueredo 15 years ago

    Thanks for letting me know Dave, I know you have things on your plate so take your time… I mean, world domination is not something you can achieve over breakfast, so I understand if you’re a tad behind on your side projects ;)

    Let me know if you ever end up doing it. In the mean time I’ll try to get some tips out of you on your design agency website.

    Talk to you later.